
 I have cooked in between 2018 - 2020, when I actually gain much weight. So now, I don't cook anymore, to make any new video. Cooking is actually a fun thing to do, when the eating urge was less. I have fasting a while to withstand the hunger feeling since I was 23 years old, right after the university degree. I done periodically cleansing, liver flushing, diary written, like many people at home have a homo therapy to get rid of the condition I have, such as a period pain. I used to have a badly cramp and little did I know, it was my liver problems.

If I made any raw food or juicing video, that will be after a while. My country does not really facility raw food eating. People in a large of population still very addicted in eating.

Funny things about my 10 years living with the juice.

I was in a forum surrounded with those whom are all succeed in liver flushing, or some kind of healthy eating MD, that I seen on the television as that 10 years of my time, So when I come back to my country, and seeing the television to change my diet, I will tell you, how shock that is, I am. Not just belief is different. The envrionment I surrounded myself to believe, there is only something works 100%, that no one is doing it or believing, putting me into some stressful situation most of those early time, I stay in Taiwan. No one really know, I had a hard time adjusting life here, while I am so away from this world since I was so much younger to go to the States right after High school. 

Weight Issues

I lost weight during that 10 years. Even my mother saw me, she felt I was too skinny. 

Doing juicing time, although it is not a strange thing to me to apply this methodity, but laterly it has been the first time, I am doing juicing specifically for losing tehe weight purpose. I never have a weight problem, so It is a little odd to me, to see myself progress on the weight scale. Hopefully soon, that will be a fruitful result. 

Can the juicing lose weight?

Yes, I eat salad every day, one meal a time lunch time. I would sneak later on late afternoon. But juicing is not only for the weight purpose. Its for the skin to look radiant also. 



Cooked Food

Dumpling 餃子